Random Thoughts on Rain - atha's scrapbook

November 22, 2016

Random Thoughts on Rain

Raining in Mainz, Germany, Jan 2015
I don't really like rain. How it causes the blue sky turns into grey, making people sad. It often makes people curse on their motorcycle seats, those who forgot to bring their rain coats. I don't like it also when rain ruins my favorite shoes, or my favorite clothes. Making them look and smell so bad. Maybe I've changed, because I used to like it so much. I still remember how happy I was, laughing on the back seat of my grandfather's motorcycle, letting rain fell right on my face. I still remember how I liked to bring out my colorful umbrella when it rained. Running through it while making fun jokes with my childhood friends. How great rain is. It can change your mood out of the blue. It can bring your long gone memories back.

It has been raining these days. And that made me had to wear my rain coat almost every afternoons, and ruined my shoes too while cursing on myself of not having plastic sandals to wear. Even on some days I got wet like twice. I hate the puddles on the parking lot. I hate how cars didn't let motorcycles to go first. Oh please, they weren't even wet! And I hate the fact that the inside part of my helmet also got wet (how come???).

But this afternoon, after all this time, I was happy. I wasn't even disturbed eventhough I made my grandma's skirt all wet. But oh well, I still cursed on myself because of my not-so-comfortable rain coats and that-plastic-sandals thing. I repeat, I was happy, and suddenly everything felt better.

And I realize that no matter what it is, as long as you see it in a positive way, you'll be okay. You'll be fine. Even when you have no shoes to wear because all of them smell so bad. Even when your rain coat has holes and makes water dripping down to your skin. Even when your umbrella is broken and you have nothing to cover your head. Even when your assignments are wet because of the rain. As long as you don't think too much. As long as you're happy. As long as you see things in positive way.

You will be alright.

Atha :)

p.s. do not hate rain because rain is an awesome phenomenon!!!!!!!! (but northen lights are waaaay cooler, eventhough I haven't seen it :P)

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