March 2012 - atha's scrapbook

March 30, 2012


Friday, March 30, 2012 0

Have you ever felt sad?
Or have you ever felt very very very happy?
And need a place to share your stories?
Well, if that happen to me, I'll go to my beloved besties!!
Who are your besties, your best-friends??

Dengan sahabat, kita bisa berbagi rasa,
senang, sedih, galau, marah, kecewa, atau senang!
Saya merasa apa saja yang saya lakukan bersama mereka adalah senang.
They can lift my mood!
Saya senang berbagi bersama mereka, 
seolah tidak perlu lagi menanggung beban berat ketika ada masalah...
Saya senang bersama mereka,
karena ketika bersama mereka saya hanya perlu menjadi diri saya sendiri...
Saya senang berjalan beriringan bersama mereka,
semua terlihat menyenangkan...
Saya senang tertawa bersama mereka,
hingga saya berharap bisa membekukan waktu,
satu, atau dua detik saja...

Time flies,
I wish this would never die...
I wish they could stay,
so we have never have to be apart...
so we can always smile and tell the World
"We Are Happy"

Bandarlampung, Mar 30th 2012
With ❤, 

March 25, 2012

Tips to be HAPPY

Sunday, March 25, 2012 0
Tips to be HAPPY
There's gonna be time when you feel lost,
when you can't even smile,
when you think you can't do anything but crying.
I was searching up for this and got good tips,
to be happy :)

  1. Just because something seems to make other people happy doesn't mean that it really does. People are very good at pretending they're happy, especially when they've invested so much into the things that are supposed to make them happy; it's hard to admit that you've been placing all your eggs in the wrong basket.
  2. When you're purposely trying to be happy or cheerful, but just can't seem to achieve it at the moment, do something crazy. It's stupid, crazy, weird stuff like that that seems pointless, but could actually lift your mood after you do it, just because you're glad you did it.
  3. If you have a child, either now or in the future, tell them often how much you love and admire him/her and do anything to help him/her. 
  4. Keep in close touch with relatives and a small circle of friends. You can't beat their love and support. 
  5. Don't be afraid to admit when you're down and need a lift. Conversely, if there's a person in your life who is a negative influence and who is dragging you down in some way, don't be afraid to remove such a person from your life. 
  6. Most fundamentally, recognize that happiness is a state of mind and not something which can be defined objectively. You can change your state of mind in many ways including these suggestions:
  • Turn your favorite music up loud and do a stupid dance to it. Talk to yourself in the mirror.
  • Try a new food
  • Rearrange your room in a weird way. 
  • Write a funny or inspiring quote on your mirror/wall/locker. 
  • Scream as loud as you can (warn your family first!) and bounce up and down; jump all around. 
  • Get your swimsuit on, go outside and turn the hose on yourself, if it's a hot day. 
So, is it hard to be happy? I don't think so.
Stop pretending to be happy and start to be HAPPY!!

I love this quote:
pic's source We Heart It
This article copied from WikiHow - How to Be Happy
and arranged by me.

Bandarlampung, 08.06 p.m
Atha :)

Exploded Me.

Sunday, March 25, 2012 0
Exploded Me.
Sometimes I feel like I wanna explode!

Terkadang saya marah.
Saya punya jutaan pertanyaan dan jutaan jawaban kosong.
Tidak ada yang bisa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu.
Orang hanya menganggapnya konyol, sampah.

Terkadang saya menangis.
Saya ingin diperhatikan dan dilihat.
Saya merasa tidak ada yang mengerti.
Parahnya, tidak ada yang mau mengerti.

Terkadang saya kesal.
Saya merasa dipermainkan.
Saya melihat orang memegang kendali, dan
sedihnya, saya tidak bisa apa-apa.

Saya marah, kesal, pengen nonjok orang, atau apalah itu namanya!
Salahkah jika saya ingin ini sendiri,
campur tangan
O R A N G??

March 22, 2012

Story of Me.. Today!

Thursday, March 22, 2012 0
Story of Me.. Today!
1, 2, 3, 4,...
No matter what, times always move, will never stop. So I'm sorry if I break your bubbles, you will never can pause any moments.
So here's me. Typing on my keyboard to acting like I'm okay? Hmm, sounds great. But I'm not. Really, I don't know why. Okay, maybe these are the reasons :

  • I'm gonna follow Ujian Akhir Nasional (National Final Exam) next month! And it makes me crazy! OMG, it's only 31 days left!
  • My Dad isn't at home so I can't ask him to help me solve a lot of hard homework.
  • PMS (yeah, girls's problem :P)
  • Hot weather, annoying little things, and the most important reason is..
  • I don't know.. :P
Well, as the days were passing, I have been realizing that..
I don't know what I gotta do to face... farewell! Yeah, sounds childish but that's true! How can I live without them? Yeah, my friends, my schoolmates, my best-friends, are one of those things I couldn't live without. They're like my sunshine {}. I spend a half of my day with them. Everyday. Sunday isn't included! --_-- They know myself, the real me, better than me. I'm gonna cry if I'm thinking about that.

But today was not bad enough! I received Lejla's letter and my aunt will be here! :D And also tomorrow I'll see Daddy ;) It's like Yin and Yang, if there are bad things, there are also GOOD things. So, don't worry to dream big! Hundreds people may hate you, but Thousands people love you! Keep that!!
I think I should stop talking :P
Thanks for reading my story :P
P.S. I don't force you to read, LOL BYE!!*hugs* *kisses* 

Pics's source: We Heart It

Written by lovely me :P, on Thursday 7.30 p.m

March 18, 2012

Dear You

Sunday, March 18, 2012 0
Dear You
Are you gonna go away?
Somewhere that far? Or somewhere that near?
I still can't believe that you will go. Leave us here.
Or can you please take us with you? So we don't have to be separated.
Is it too hard to make adaption?
You can make adaption with all new situations.
You can! So do I...

I hate being forgotten.
I hate tears! And goodbye-hug sucks!
Are you happy with these all?
You can buy new clothes, jackets, or even new scarfs.
And then you will go?
Playing in the winter snow while we are being tired because thinking of you.

Maybe a video call will make Mom's better.
But not with me.
Video is only virtual, not real!
But why did you and Mom be happy?
Is too naive to recognize that a video call can not erase the deepest homesick?

I'm so sorry with these all.
I'm just thinking that I can't tell this to anyone. So I choose to tell the World, and try to pretending that I'm alright and everything's gonna be okay.
I'm sorry if I made you angry million times.
I wish I could erase all those things that made you become angry.
I'm so sorry for all the pains that I made.
I'm so sorry, I can't be that girl you want.
And I just wanna tell you that I love you. So. Much.

March 17, 2012

My Published Works

Saturday, March 17, 2012 0
My Published Works
Hi, in this post I would like to share some of my works that has been published online and offline :)

  1. Berjuanglah Wahai Pejuang Masa Depan, Demi Indonesia yang Sombong dan Egois, published on April 2016. 3rd Winner of WorthyStory Competition by
  2. Peluang Cari Rezeki, published on Malang Post February 27th 2014, page 13. MTeens School Competition 2014.
  3. Awas! Uang Palsu, published on Malang Post March 5th 2014, page 14. MTeens School Competition 2014.

Fiction Stories
  1.  Mencintai dan Memaafkan, publsihed on November, 2013. One of the best cerpen of the month nominee.
  2. Lost in France, Lost in You, publsihed on April, 2015. One of the best cerpen of the month nominee.
  3.  Rumah, publsihed on April, 2016. One of the best cerpen of the month nominee.

 And, I also have ever featured on a newspaper hahahah
  1. Malang Post October 29th 2014 page 8

Me? Unimportant thing, unimportant kid.

Saturday, March 17, 2012 0
Me? Unimportant thing, unimportant kid.
Bagaimana rasanya diabaikan?
Seolah semua yang kau lakukan salah,
dan yang orang itu lakukan brilian.

Bagaimana rasanya dinomorduakan?
Saat kau harus selalu menjaga perasaan orang itu,
sementara perasaanmu tak pernah terjaga?

Bagaimana rasanya disia-siakan?
Seolah semua hasil yang kau peroleh adalah omong kosong,
dan semua omong kosong yang dibuat orang itu adalah HEBAT.

Bagaimana rasanya tidak dipedulikan?
Saat kau meminta permen dan tidak diberi,
sementara orang itu mendapat emas tanpa meminta.

Sumpah, saya TAHU benar rasanya.

pic's source :

March 15, 2012

Menjadi Tinggi

Thursday, March 15, 2012 0
Menjadi Tinggi

Bagaimana rasanya menjadi tinggi?
Bukan tinggi secara harfiah, tentu saja.
Tapi saya tetap yakin rasanya pasti nggak menyenangkan.
Apakah menyenangkan saat semua orang menatapmu,
dengan pandangan yang berbeda?
Apakah menyenangkan saat dunia tahu dimana tempatmu berada,
padahal kau sedang tak ingin 'terlihat'?
Apakah menyenangkan saat penyamaranmu tebongkar,
dan kau tidak sempat memikirkan alibi untuk menyangkalnya?
Apakah kau akan bangga dengan 'kesenangan' itu?
Atau malah tersudut dari berbagai arah?

March 14, 2012

a Quote, for bored Wednesday

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 0
a Quote, for bored Wednesday

"Bagaimana rasanya terbangun dari mimpi indah dan dihadapkan pada kenyataan? 
Rasanya menyakitkan." 
-Ilana Tan in her book, Winter in Tokyo

March 12, 2012

Tidak Tahu

Monday, March 12, 2012 0
Tidak Tahu
"Gue nggak tau."

Bukannya tidak tau, tapi TIDAK mau tau.
Tidak mau peduli dengan hal-hal kecil di sekelilingnya.
Hal-hal yang baginya kecil, 
namun merupakan hal besar bagi orang lain.
Detail kecil yang diremehkannya, namun tertangkap mata oleh orang lain.

Baginya hanya sehelai daun kering tak berguna.
Ia tidak pernah mau tau apa yang dialami si daun kering,
entah terbang tinggi,
entah jatuh terhempas,
entah terbawa arus,
atau terinjak.

Kadang kala kita memang benci terhadap orang.
Saya kira itu manusiawi.
Namum apakah masih manusiawi bila rasa benci itu dipaparkan dengan jelas?

Setidaknya cobalah untuk memahami.
Jangan hanya menilai.
Cobalah untuk sejenak memberi.
Jangan hanya meminta.
Dan untuk sejenak saja, cobalah untuk berhenti bicara.
Jadilah pendengar yang baik.

Agar bisa kau rasakan hembusan angin,
bisikan helai daun,
dan nyanyian kupu yang mendapat madu.

March 11, 2012

Pictures of the Week

Sunday, March 11, 2012 0
Pictures of the Week
Don't lose hope. 

 One of my biggest dreams, seeing Eiffel.

 Quote of the Week.

One of My Favos.

berharap banyak? nope :|

Sunday, March 11, 2012 0
berharap banyak? nope :|

Terkadang, harapan tinggi selalu ada
terlalu tinggi, malah
sehingga membuat kita ragu untuk bisa mencapainya

Apakah salah, jika berharap terlalu banyak?
Saat saya melihat tidak lagi ada peluang untuk mendapatkannya
Apakah salah, jika berharap terlalu banyak?
Saat hati kecil saya dengan yakin menegaskan bahwa itu tidaklah mungkin

Tapi, akankah ada kesempatan kedua?
Saat sinar pertama mentari pagi menyentuh bumi
Saat waktu dimulai dari nol lagi
Dan sampai pada saat aljabar menemukan jawaban dari x-nya

March 8, 2012

peduli? atau nggak?

Thursday, March 08, 2012 0
peduli? atau nggak?
Kita semua akan beranjak dewasa, kan?

Tiba-tiba saya berpikir, apakah jika sudah dewasa, sifat anak-anak akan tetap muncul? Sifat peduli, misalnya. Jika seorang dewasa sedang tidak enak badan, dan memaksakan diri pergi ke kantor, apa teman-teman satu kantornya peduli? Di kelas saya, jika ada yang menunjukkan muka pucat atau berbeda sedikit dari biasanya, pasti akan ada yang bertanya, "Lo kenapa?". Yang saya tanyakan, apakah orang-orang yang sudah bekerja akan masih tetap peduli dengan teman-teman di sekitarnya? Walau hanya bertanya 2 kata? Apa mereka masih akan bertanya? Walau hanya sekedar bertanya?

Apa mereka menganggap rekan sekantornya sebagai saingan? Berlomba-lomba untuk menduduki jabatan paling tinggi. Sementara anak sekolahan menganggap rekan sekelasnya sebagai teman, sahabat, tempat curhat, dan teman seperjuangan? Jadi tidak ada rasa ingin saling  mendahului, dan ingin menang sendiri. Yah, memang ada sih beberapa anak yang begitu. Tapi hanya sepersekian ribu lah.
Saya masih penasaran, yeah itu udah jadi sifat alamiah saya, apakah orang yang sudah bekerja masih peduli dengan rekan satu kantornya?? Walau hanya bertanya, "Lo kenapa?"

March 4, 2012

Kereta Senja

Sunday, March 04, 2012 0
Kereta Senja
Kereta Senja

Uap kereta senja itu menghilang
tak berbekas
Deru roda beradu dengan kerasnya besi
hanya menyisakan sebuah decitan pedih

Matanya memandang badan kereta di ujung rel
Kereta yang telah berhenti

Kereta yang tadi berdecit bising
Kereta yang telah membawa Ibunya pergi

Anak itu menangis
ditengah orang-orang yang bungkam
Tubuhnya bergetar

menahan kesedihan yang tak terungkap
Pelitanya pergi, selamanya...
Minyaknya sudah kering
sudah waktunya untuk padam