September 2017 - atha's scrapbook

September 16, 2017

Broaden Your Border

Saturday, September 16, 2017 0
Broaden Your Border
As for some people, broadening their borders seems scary. Oh, forget about seeing. The idea of it already scared them to death. Those people are usually already too comfortable of being on their comfort zone. Too afraid to walk to a 'better area'. Too scared to make sacrifices.

I believe that there's price for you to pay in order to achieve good things. There are sacrifices to make. This year is my 5th year of living separately from my parents and to be honest, I don't really like the idea of it. But for me that is the sacrifice I had to make to be able to study in a better educational system, and I'm forever grateful for that chance.

Moving to one city to another is also a great challenge for me as a truly introvert. I'm not comfortable approaching people or let's just say I'm not good at making a move. I also take longer time than normal people to be myself in a new surrounding. But those flaws of mine didn't stop me to explore more. Getting involved in a new environment could be a nightmare for me, but I tried to be positive and enjoyed the adaptation process, because I knew, I always knew, at the end, those new people, cities, and schools will always be my favorites.

Why are there some people who don't like to move out? There are a lot of stories I've heard about strict parents, non-loving families, non-supporting environment, and the saddest one, cheapening themselves. Come on man, those reasons can't, won't, and never could stop you from dreaming. Oh, except the last one maybe.

I got saddened by the fact that some people out there are still afraid to dream. They think that dreaming about big things are useless and they won't achieve it, so why bother dreaming. As I have said, they're cheapening them selves. They don't believe in themselves that they can do bigger things, that they could be becoming greater than they are now.

Dreaming is free. I am myself had proven it that it is no wrong to have big dreams, they are actually achieve-able if you really really want them to. I'm not coming from a wealthy family who can travel the world as much as I want. And I only have seen a little of this big world. It's funny how those memories I had make me craving for broadening my borders. I want to see more. I want to experience more. I wanna be better at understanding people with so many different background stories. I wanna be able to inspire more people to move out from their comfort zones.

It's sad somehow, knowing that there are people who are still comfortable being in their comfort zone, those who are already satisfied of knowledge, of experience, of friends they've had. I know we can't force people to believe what we believe. But I really want them to know, that this beautiful world we're living in is much much bigger, more beautiful, more exciting, and truly dearer than their small comfort zone. Go explore, and you'll understand.

I hope you could see the world the way great people do.