August 2014 - atha's scrapbook

August 24, 2014


Sunday, August 24, 2014 0
I fall in love with you every day.
fall in love wih you everytime I think of you.
fall in love wih you everytime I see you.
fall in love wih you everytime I talk to you.

Maybe I dont know what falling in love really is.

I feel happy everytime I think of you.
I feel happy everytime I see you.
I feel happy everytime I talk to you.

Maybe I dont know what falling in love really is.
But I do know well what happiness is.


The one that makes me smile.
The one that makes me imagining beautiful things.
The one that makes a brighter day.

I fall in love without realizing what it was.
When people say falling in love without knowing how, when, and where
I do know well how, when, and where I fall in love with you.

#EAAAAA #tumbendapetidebeginicocwit:') #maapkanmerusaksuasana

August 12, 2014


Tuesday, August 12, 2014 0
Walaupun ceritanya sudah telat 2 bulan nggak apa-apa, ya. Now I get the chance to change my blogger profile!
Si Atha yang katanya manja, ngaleman, dan kekanak-kanakan sekarang sudah punya KTP & SIM! Iya, 17. Umur yang kata mereka-mereka paling dinanti dan harus dirayakan karena once in a lifetime. Tapi, kenapa harus 17? Every ages are special on their own. All of them happen once in a lifetime, too.

18 Juni 2014
I woke up with happiness. Thank Allah I got the chance to live until my 17th birthday.
Thank you, for the birthday wishes. They mean so much. Really. Thank you!

Saya nggak pergi sekolah hari itu. Baru sampe rumah dari Pacitan tanggal 17 malem, liburan sama temen-temen. Hehe.

Makasih sekali buat temen-temen Owian sayang yang dateng ke rumah sore-sore padahal abis lomba futsal. Atha diiket di tiang bersama Deasy dan Kiki. Padahal deasy dan kiki ikutan bikin ramuannya wkwkwk. Makasih juga ramuannya^^ Baunya juaraa! Berhasil bikin huek huek.

Makasih ya:)

Trus hari Jum'at dapet surprise lagi dari Wilda, Regina, Emil, sama Ijah. Hehe makasih ya. Maafin Atha pulang sekolahnya lamaaaa banget jadi kalian nunggu nya kelamaan...
Begitu masukin motor ke garasi trus masuk rumah ga curiga apa-apa. Trus tiba-tiba diteriakin dari ruang tamu. Mereka sudah duduk trus ada kue lilinnya udah nyala!! Terharu wkwk:")

Makasih ya:)

Buat Sawi-sawiii! 4 years and still counting ya, aamiin:3 Thank you for always being there. Sometimes you all know me better than myself. Makasih!:)))

Buat Ibu sama Bapak,
I dont know what to say. You will always be loved by all of my heart. You will always be my favorite lights when my world gets dark. You will always be here, flow through my heart and lungs. Carry the oxygen I need, spread along my body. Even the littlest parts of me carry your names, your codes, your bloods.
Thank you, for always being my brightest stars. Most beautiful moons. My angels.
I always wish I could make you happy and proud, one day. Aamiin.
Your little baby loves you very much.

Buktinya Atha udah 17 nih! :3 hehe

Malang, 12 Agustus 2014

August 6, 2014

The Sweetest Movie Quotes

Wednesday, August 06, 2014 0
The Sweetest Movie Quotes