March 2014 - atha's scrapbook

March 26, 2014


Wednesday, March 26, 2014 0
Je ne vais pas bien, Ya Allah...
I know You are the greatest planner.
But at least let me understand
Let me understand what You want.
But still, I believe You have a greater plan than mine.
So let me understand, Ya Allah...

Let me be stronger.
Let me love You more.

March 6, 2014


Thursday, March 06, 2014 0
I did not know much things

But I could say you were the sparks in my eyes
I did not understand how things could change
But I could say you were the reason of the heart that beats faster

I’ve spent many minutes thinking

Were you worth my minutes?
I could do better things in those minutes
Let’s say trying not to thinking of you

I could feel it when the raindrops falling

I could feel them running through my skin laughing
Life were just that easy, everyone was happier
What were people thinking, seriously?

The Earth is moving

So are all the particles
Were you one of them?
Were we one of them?

Just realized that you were more complicated than French’s grammars

And just realized that I used were  instead of are J

p.s do you want to build a snowman? It doesn’t have to be a snowman.