April 2012 - atha's scrapbook

April 30, 2012


Monday, April 30, 2012 0

I always hope people will never change, so does everything.
But I realized, seasons always change, day and night come alternately, why not with people?
When every seasons come, why are they not always the same?
Sometimes I get a lot of sunlight, sometimes I also get rain every day.

People say that friends will come and go.
Promises will be made and broken.
Smile will be there and disappear.
Heart will expand and break.

Why does people always know the truth?
Why did I find it out like crazy and then cried?
Why does time not give me the second chance?
Is it too late to realize that I love roses? The white ones!!

Oh, YES!!

April 17, 2012

Invisible Lyrics

Tuesday, April 17, 2012 0
Invisible Lyrics


For the World,
For the beautiful clouds,
For the dark storm,
For the brightest star, Sirius,
For the warm sunshine,
For the cold weather,
For the lovely wind,

She can’t see the way your eyes light up when you smile
She’ll never notice how you stop and stare whenever she walks by
And you can’t see me wantin you the way you want her
But you are everything to me

And I just wanna show you
She don’t even know you
She’s never gonna love you like I want to
You just see right through me but if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful miracle unbelievable instead of just invisible

There’s a fire inside of you that can’t help but shine through
She’s never gonna see the light
No matter what you do
And all I think about is how to make you think of me
And everything that we could be


Like shadows in a faded light
Oh we’re Invisible
I just wanna look in your eyes and make you realize

I just wanna show you she don’t even know you
Baby let me love you let me want you
You just see right through me
But if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful miracle unbelievable instead of just invisible

She can’t see the way your eyes light up when you smile

April 14, 2012

Quote of the day

Saturday, April 14, 2012 0
Quote of the day
"Life is not passive."
-Ms. Tia, my math teacher

"Actually opened the door was easy, the hard part is closed it. Because we never know what will we find behind those doors."
-National Geographic Channel 'is it real? -vampires'

P.S. I heard these quotes today, from my math teacher and television. Keep your ears on every second, because you might find beautiful words! :)

April 13, 2012

My First Experience Being Hospitalized

Friday, April 13, 2012 0
My First Experience Being Hospitalized
Hey, i wanna share a story of me :) In the end of last January, I was hospitalized, and it was the first time for me being hospitalized. Let the story begin ;)

On Monday, 23rd of January, I got bad headache, really really bad, and decided to go to bed. Then in the midnight I found that I attacked by fever. Mom gave me febrifuge and we thought I'm gonna be okay on the next day.

But, on the next day, the fever still did not recover. We decided to go to the doctor and I didn't go to school. In the hospital, the doctor said that if the fever didn't recover until the day three, namely Thursday, I should do blood checks.

Score! The fever was still on me till Thursday. And yeah, on Thursday I did blood checks on the clinic near my home. The result said, I got Typhus. The doctor on the clinic said I didn't have to be hospitalized, I just needed a lot of rest. Then we came home, and my classmates came to see me. They're really kind {} I'm grateful I have them.

On Friday, I felt worse, and worse. I didn't know why. My parents decided to take me to the hospital and we went there at 9 a.m. In there, we had to wait for the doctor and I was the tenth on the queue. Guess what? We enetered the doctor's room at 12! The doctor suggested me to do the blood checks, again! The result still said that I got Typhus and symptoms of dengue fever. Doctor said I had to be hospitalized.

The nurse put the infusion on my left hand and I was scared and wondering, "Is this gonna be really hurt or something?" But the fact wasn't as scared as I thought.

My left hand with the infusion.

I didn't get room. The hospital was full of patients. We had to wait, because the nurse said there will be empty room at 6 p.m. YES. At 6. I was put on a room like waiting room and there was a bed so i could take rest. Can you imagine that? For 6 hours I was waiting for a room with my left hand that has been one together with infusion.
Finally, 6 p.m. came. The nurse took a wheelchair for me to help me go to 4th floor. I still could walk alone! But the nurse was forced, so that's it.

My dad took this, say I'm weird please!

When i entered the room, I felt like.. nothing. I mean, it was the first time for me being hospitalized. So I just smiled and hope I'm gonna be alright soon.

Me and the only sister I have on the bed. Yes, I'm totally weird.

I was hospitalized for 4 days. The whole nurses are so kind and made me comfortable. The food on hospital was good, and I thought being hospitalized wasn't really bad because I could get a lot of rest. The only thing I hate about hospitalized was the moment when -the-nurse-came-to-your-room-every-morning-to-take-your-blood. I was thinking they might be draculas or vampires who love my blood .__.
Guess what souvenir I took from hospital! I took an infusion tube! LOL. Why? Because there's my name on it :)

That's my story! Wish that was the first and the end. Healthy is not as cheap as we can imagine, guys! :)

Bandarlampung, April 13rd 2012
Atha :)

April 9, 2012

Tanya Saya

Monday, April 09, 2012 0
Tanya Saya

Bolehkah saya terbang,
ketika saya hanya punya satu lembar sayap?
Bolehkan saya mengejar mentari,
ketika saya hanya punya satu buah tungkai?
Bolehkah saya bernyanyi,
ketika saya hanya punya satu not dalam simfoni?
Bolehkah saya tersenyum,
ketika saya hanya punya satu kenangan indah?

Kemana harus saya cari,
lembaran sayap lain,
pasangan tungkai,
not penyempurna dalam simfoni,
dan jutaan kenangan?

Matahari, beri tahu saya jawabannya.
Bolehkah saya berharap?
Apakah harapan saya terlampau banyak?

April 8, 2012

15 Days To Go...

Sunday, April 08, 2012 0
15 Days To Go...
Nggak terasa, 15 hari lagi UAN!!!
Hiks, tambah stress hari demi hari...
23 April, "Hari pembuktian setelah 3 tahun belajar di SMP", kata temen.
Sekarang nggak boleh lagi tidur malem, nggak boleh main internet lama-lama, harus banyak latihan soal, harus rajin ikut bimbel, daaaaan sebagai-sebagainya. Sepertinya saya harus berhenti mengeluh. Jika saya mulai mengeluh, saya mungkin tidak akan berhenti mengetik, karena akan ada banyak keluhan yang saya keluarkan. Jadi saya mencoba untuk berhenti mengeluh, walau susah. Hmmm -___-
Kamis kemaren ada acara pelepasan buat kelas 9.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa semakin deket aja sama farewell and those sad things.
Ngomong-ngomong soal SMA nih ya, Ibu getol banget nyuruh masuk pesantren. Kemaren pas habis nonton Negeri 5 Menara, saya speechless. Ceritanya rada-rada mirip sama saya. - Ibu yang menyuruh anaknya masuk pesantren, dan anaknya tidak mau. Namun, dengan dukungan dari teman-teman, keluarga, dan semangat untuk maju, anak tersebut bisa berhasil.- Setelah nonton, Ibu saya bilang, "Mbak, masuk pesantren aja. Tuh, bisa sukses, ke luar negeri." "Nanti ya, Bu. Mbak pikir-pikir dulu." :D haha jawaban yang paling aman.
15 Days To Go...

Happy UAN guys! FIGHTING!!